Finance Committee Meeting


Finance Committee Meeting January 29, 2024 4:30pm Take notice that there will be a public meeting of the above governmental body, on the date, time and place indicated, for the purposes of considering the subject matter set forth in the agenda. Join via Zoom:

Finance Committee Meeting2024-01-26T08:48:20-06:00

Finance Committee Meeting


Finance Committee Meeting December 6, 2023, 5:00pm Take notice that there will be a public meeting of the above governmental body, on the date, time and place indicated, for the purposes of considering the subject matter set forth in the agenda. Join via Zoom:

Finance Committee Meeting2023-12-01T11:55:15-06:00

Finance Committee Meeting


Finance Committee Meeting November 8, 2023, 5:00pm Take notice that there will be a public meeting of the above governmental body, on the date, time and place indicated, for the purposes of considering the subject matter set forth in the agenda. Join via Zoom:

Finance Committee Meeting2023-10-20T11:16:03-05:00

Finance Committee Meeting


Take notice that there will be a public meeting of the above governmental body, on the date, time and place indicated, for the purposes of considering the subject matter set forth in the agenda. Village meetings will be conducted in a hybrid fashion via Zoom and in person. Please follow the links or phone number below to participate in the meeting. We recommend testing the link before the meeting time. If you have any questions, please call the Clerk’s Office at 608-244-3048. Join Zoom Meeting Online:

Finance Committee Meeting2022-11-08T09:58:52-06:00

Zoning Board of Appeals Meeting


Virtual Take notice that there will be a public meeting of the above governmental body, on the date, time and place indicated, for the purposes of considering the subject matter set forth in the agenda. Village meetings will be conducted in a hybrid fashion via Zoom and in person. Please follow the links or phone number below to participate in the meeting. We recommend testing the link before the meeting time. If you have any questions, please call the Clerk’s Office at 608-244-3048. Join Zoom Meeting:

Zoning Board of Appeals Meeting2022-10-19T11:24:16-05:00

Building Board Meeting


Take notice that there will be a public meeting of the above governmental body, on the date, time and place indicated, for the purposes of considering the subject matter set forth in the following agenda: Until further notice, Village meetings will be conducted via Zoom. Please follow the links or phone number below to participate in the meeting. We recommend testing the link before the meeting time. If you have any questions, please call the Clerk’s Office at 608-244-3048. Join Zoom Meeting Online: You can also dial in using your phone (audio only): Dial in at (312) 626-6799 or use one-tap mobile: +13126266799,,85746222697# Meeting [...]

Building Board Meeting2021-08-10T11:31:44-05:00

Building Board Meeting


Take notice that there will be a public meeting of the above governmental body, on the date, time and place indicated, for the purposes of considering the subject matter set forth in the agenda. Until further notice, Village meetings will be conducted via Zoom. Please follow the links or phone number below to participate in the meeting. We recommend testing the link before the meeting time. If you have any questions, please call the Clerk’s Office at 608-244-3048. Join Zoom Meeting Online: You can also dial in using your phone (audio only): Dial in at (312) 626-6799 or use one-tap mobile: +13126266799,,85746222697# Meeting [...]

Building Board Meeting2021-10-26T09:11:45-05:00

Municipal Court


Municipal Judge Honorable Denis Vogel 244-3069 Clerk of Court/Deputy Clerk Rene Dopkins 244-3069 Village Prosecutor Axley Brynelson (608) 257-5661 Payment Options: Traffic/Municipal Ordinance citations can be paid in several ways: Drop them off at the Village Center at 18 Oxford Place, Madison, WI 53704 Mail a copy of the citation and payment to: Maple Bluff Municipal Court, 18 Oxford Place, Madison, WI 53704 We also accept credit card payments. To pay by credit card visit our Municipal Credit Card payment website. To successfully complete an online payment, please include your citation number.

Municipal Court2021-06-29T12:43:11-05:00

Village Board Meeting/2022 Budget Public Hearing


Village Board Agenda Tuesday, November 9th, 2021 7:30pm Online or via Phone   Take notice that there will be a public meeting of the above governmental body, on the date, time and place indicated, for purposes of considering the subject matter set forth in the following agenda: Until further notice, Village meetings will be conducted via Zoom. Please follow the links or phone number below to participate in the meeting. We recommend testing the link before the meeting time. If you have any questions, please call the Clerk’s Office at 244-3048 Please join this meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone [...]

Village Board Meeting/2022 Budget Public Hearing2021-11-05T14:51:07-05:00

Village Board Meeting


Take notice that there will be a public meeting of the above governmental body, on the date, time and place indicated, for the purposes of considering the subject matter set forth in the agenda. Until further notice, Village meetings will be conducted via Zoom. Please follow the links or phone number below to participate in the meeting. We recommend testing the link before the meeting time. If you have any questions, please call the Clerk’s Office at 608-244-3048. Join Zoom Meeting Online:

Village Board Meeting2021-10-26T09:13:32-05:00
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