Concerts in the Park & Community Fireworks


Concerts in the Park & Community Fireworks The Village of Maple Bluff cordially invites you to our Concerts in the Park and Annual Fireworks Celebration on Monday, July 29, 2024. The event will take place at Maple Bluff Beach Park from 6:00 PM to Dusk, featuring a musical performance by Chris Kroeze. Following the music, please stay to enjoy our community fireworks display, rescheduled from July 4th, at dusk. We will also be honoring Fire Chief Kristopher Loy for his dedicated service to the Village of Maple Bluff. Chief Loy will be stepping down from his position on August 2nd. Please [...]

Concerts in the Park & Community Fireworks2024-07-20T14:50:17-05:00

Fest on the 4th


Fest on the 4th The Village's annual Independence Day Celebration, Fest on the 4th, is just around the corner on July 4, 2023. Below you will find event details and information. We are currently recruiting volunteers to help with events throughout the day. Visit the following link to sign up for a volunteer position. Volunteers Needed! Please Sign Up Today

Fest on the 4th2023-06-29T12:21:11-05:00

Bluff Block Party


Summer's end is around the corner, but the fun doesn't end -- let's jump into fall festivities with a Bluff Block Party! Fireworks at dusk! DJ, dancing and lawn games for kids! Ice Cold Treats and drinks available for purchase from the Atwood Scoop Ice Cream Truck and the Maple Bluff Fire Rescue Association (more food options to be announced) Bring a blanket and chairs, and enjoy food and drinks with your neighbors -- new residents are encouraged to come!!! Villagers of all ages are welcome! Special guests will include Maple Bluff Police and our Maple Bluff Firefighters, who will use the Block Party as an opportunity to fundraise for [...]

Bluff Block Party2022-09-02T13:35:39-05:00

Fest on the Fourth


Our beloved Fest on the 4th returns in all its glory! We are thrilled to bring back all of our treasured traditions on Monday, July 4th, 2022. 7:30 am 5K run -- Beach Park: No pre-registration required. Registration 6:45 am-7:15 am Registration Form $20.00 registration includes a t-shirt (featured below), neighborhood glory, and the feeling of sweat-before-you-fete on the holiday. The 5K route will begin at Beach Park, with a Kids-only 100 yard dash, and then the full 5K for all the other runners. The route circles lower bluff, then climbs the dreaded Lakewood Hill to upper bluff, and descends down Farwell [...]

Fest on the Fourth2022-07-03T16:33:15-05:00
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