Boards & Committees

The Village of Maple Bluff has 16 boards and committees. Citizen volunteers play a key role in the conduct of governmental affairs and provide an important component in making the Village of Maple Bluff the community it is.

Village Board
The Village Board approves budgets, adopts ordinances and resolutions, and sets policies for all departments and municipal services.

Building Board
The Building Board is comprised of three appointed and three elected residents tasked with reviewing building and remodeling projects that impact the exterior appearance of properties within the Village.

Ordinances Committee
The Committee on Ordinances shall make recommendations to the Village Board on the adoption, amendment, modification or alteration of ordinances of the Village.

Zoning Board of Appeals
To hear and decide appeals where it is alleged there is error in any order, requirement, decision or determination made by the Building Inspector or Building Board.

Board of Review
Hears objections to assessments of property values from individual property owners and determines whether the assessor’s valuation is correct.

Board of Health
The Board of Health shall assume the general administration of health and sanitation laws and regulations in the Village.

Plan Commission
The Commission shall make and adopt a Comprehensive Plan for the physical development of the Village.

Country Club Joint Committee
ORDINANCE 6-6 (B) as required under the lease of Maple Bluff Country Club

Personnel Committee
The Personnel Committee shall be responsible for reviewing and recommending applicants for supervisory management positions to the Village Board.

Fire & EMS Committee
The Fire and EMS Committee has jurisdiction with regard to the hiring, firing, disciplining, or promotion of personnel in the Fire Department.

The Tax Incremental District (TID) Committee is to develop recommendations to the Village Board that support the implementation of the Village’s Tax Increment District Plan.

Finance & Accounts Committee
Advises the Village Board on annual operating and capital budgets, municipal borrowing, financial policies and purchasing procedures.

Public Works Committee
The Public Works Committee has the duty, under the direction of the Village Board, to maintain streets, alleys, sidewalks, storm sewers, sanitary sewers, water system, and other public works projects.

Urban Forestry Committee
The Committee will provide information and consultation to Village residents concerning the planting, pruning, and maintenance of trees and shrubs. The Committee will provide information about species and correct planting when requested.

Parks & Recreation Committee
Advises the Village Board on the acquisition, management, enhancement, and public use of natural and conservancy areas, policies and practices directed at maintenance of a healthy and diverse urban forest, the planning, acquisition and development of parks and park facilities, and the nature and structure of recreation programs.

Police Commission
The Police Commission shall review public protection services being provided to residents within the Village; develop criteria for the evaluation as to the quality of such services; make recommendations as to the improvements and/or additions/deletions relative to such services; and make other recommendations associated therewith.